The Mentorship Subscription runs on a four week schedule, aligning roughly with each month. The Application Deadline is two weeks before any given month’s Mentorship start date. See the calendar for start dates, end dates, and Application Deadlines.
Accepted mentees will gain access to the Shop page, where they can purchase the month or months of their choosing, this is how they secure a spot for those month or months of mentorship. This process happens on a first-come, first-serve basis. Having your application accepted does not guarantee you a slot until payment has been processed.
If you’d like to withdraw from the mentorship, our refund policy is outlined below:
If an accepted mentee wishes to withdraw from the mentorship before the Application Deadline, they will receive a refund of 75% of their payment.
If an accepted mentee wishes to withdraw from the mentorship after the Application Deadline, no refund will be issued.
If an accepted mentee has purchased multiple months of mentorship and wishes to withdraw from all months, they will receive the first month’s refund according to the above rules, and a full refund for subsequent months. After the Application Deadline has passed for the first month, the rules will apply to the second month and so forth.
If a month’s mentorship needs to be cancelled for any reason by the Janel Drewis Animation Workshop, students will have the option to receive a full refund, or to obtain a spot in a future month’s workshop.
In order to withdraw from the mentorship, please send an email to with a clearly written request for withdrawl.
Please note that the Janel Drewis Animation Workshop reserves the right to change the dates of the mentorship for any reason.
Refunds will be issued via the same payment method with which the mentee initially paid, and the workshop has no control over exactly when the refund will be applied; it may take up to five business days or longer.